Oath To Your Inner Goddess


I see the goddess in you emerge,

and your wings unfurl,

and your grace shower those close to you with love and joy.

Be in your truest self, aligned with your values of joy, love and empowerment.

Those who see you will come by your side and hold your space.

Have faith in me.

I will provide.

Have love in me.

I will give.

Remember that life is showing us everything we need in the moment that we need it.

And no more certain of this am I that you are here now honouring the warrior goddess that can carry us to places we never dreamed were possible.

I honour you goddess.

I see your power and your majesty.

And I am here to serve you.

Raising your vibration, giving you the gift of courage and love.

You are free.


Be love.

Be here now.


What the Chai – Mind, Body and Soul Tonic